Thank you Google

I would like to thank Google/Blogger for supporting free speech.  My blogs had all been removed and my gmail account was suspended.  After an apparent review, all are now restored.

Please know that I am blogging for no other reason than to search for truth.
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Halligen: Private detective unable to afford barrister

March 26, 2010
Court News UK

A private detective accused of conning the McCann family of £300,000 to find their missing daughter Maddie could not afford to be represented in court today (Fri). Security consultant Kevin Halligen, 48, is fighting extradition to the United States over claims he cheated Dutch company Trafigura out of £1.3million by offering to secure the release of their employees from an Ivory Coast jail.
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Two-thirds of ICoast toxic waste victims compensated

25 March 2010
Agence France Presse

More than 20,000 victims of toxic waste dumped by a ship in Ivory Coast in 2006 have received compensation over the last three weeks, the head of an association representing them said Thursday. "We have delivered more than 20,000 cheques in three weeks, two thirds of the people to be compensated," said Claude Gohourou, who heads an association managing the payouts jointly with British law firm Leigh Day and Company. "We're taking a break to perfect the organisation and review the situation with the bank," he said during a press conference. So far more than 15 billion CFA francs (22.9 million euros, 31 million dollas) have already been paid and the remaining 8,000 people to be compensated will get payouts when the operation starts up again on March 31, he added.
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Dutch capital to be put on trial over ICoast waste dump

11 March 2010
Agence France Presse

The city of Amsterdam is to be prosecuted over the dumping of toxic waste by a ship in Ivory Coast in 2006, the Supreme Court has ruled in a decision made available Wednesday. "The Supreme Court refers the case back to the Amsterdam district court ... to be considered anew," said the judgment, overturning earlier decisions to dismiss the case against the city.
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Translation of Interview - Goncalo Amaral

8 March 2010
Correio TV / Joana Morais Blog

(Note:  Comments disabled - please visit Joana's blog to comment.)

At the time of the presentation of his new book «The English Gag» at Fafe's Library, video via Correio TV
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6 March 2010
The Sun
Antonella Lazzeri in Portimao

POLICE in Britain and Portugal were under increasing pressure yesterday to reopen the Maddie McCann case after The Sun revealed how sightings of her had been ignored. Maddie's parents Kate and Gerry have asked Home Secretary Alan Johnson to order the search to be relaunched.

Even their arch enemy, former Portuguese police boss Goncalo Amaral, has said the case should be reopened.
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5 March 2010
The Sun
Antonella Lazzeri in Portimao, Portugal
No probe over hotel girl

A girl the double of Madeleine McCann shouted "Help me!" in English as she was dragged out of a hotel in Austria, police files have revealed. A tourist couple who had already commented on how much the child looked like missing Maddie were stunned when she cried out as a "tubby" man hurried her away. The couple, visitors from Norway, rushed outside to look for the man and girl but they had abruptly vanished.

Austrian cops sent a list of all the guests then staying at the hotel to their counterparts probing Maddie's disappearance in Portugal — but NOTHING was done. The report is one of many buried away in a huge mountain of official Portuguese police files obtained this week by The Sun.
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The Conservative Party to recruit McCann spokesperson as head of media monitoring
4 March 2010
PR Week
Danny Rogers

The Conservative Party is set to hire Clarence Mitchell, best-known as spokesman for Madeleine McCann's parents, as the head of media monitoring for its general election campaign, PRWeek can exclusively reveal.

Mitchell will join the Tory comms operation, reporting directly to director of communications Andy Coulson.

Mitchell, who was the director of the Government's media monitoring unit for two years (2005-2007) will take a back room role, monitoring the progress of the Tories' campaign in the media.

PR Week understands that Mitchell will not be an active spokesman for the party.

The appointment of the well-respected Mitchell is a boost to the Conservatives' campaign, which has lost ground in the opinion polls in recent weeks, despite last weekend's Spring Conference.

Since September 2008 Mitchell has balanced his role as spokesman for the McCanns and the parents of murdered teenager Jimmy Mizen, with a crisis management role at Freud Communications.

Mitchell is known to be close to Coulson, who was a former editor of News of the World. Late last year Mitchell expressed an interest in standing as a Conservative MP. He began his career as a reporter on the Hendon and Finchley Times in 1982. Since then he has worked for The Sunday Express, BBC Radio Sheffield and as a correspondent and presenter on BBC TV News
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Was this rag doll given to Maddie by her captors

4 March 2010 
The Sun
Antonella Lazzeri in Portimao, Portugal
THIS little girl's rag doll could have been given to Madeleine McCann by those who snatched her, investigators believe. The cuddly plaything was among evidence suggesting Maddie was held at a remote house — but Portuguese cops abandoned the line of inquiry.

Private detectives hired by the missing tot's parents Kate and Gerry found the white bungalow in an orange orchard outside Silves, Portugal, after trailing a woman seen earlier with a Maddie lookalike. They staked the place out and spotted the doll and a child's drawing. Portuguese police on the Maddie case were tipped off, but the McCanns camp claim they did not fully investigate.

A source close to the McCanns said yesterday:
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Adjectives used by the British Press to describe Goncalo Amaral

Adjectives used by the British Press to describe
Goncalo Amaral and/or the Portuguese police

(Source: Factiva database)

  • 53 articles: "boozy" or "boozer" (Examples)
  • 418 articles: "disgraced, disgraceful, disgrace" (Examples)
  • 440 articles: "outrage, outrageous" etc. 
  • 37 articles: "bungling"
  • 23 articles: "Keystone cops" (or Kops) (or Keystone cretins)  ("Keystone" cops has been used by English speaking people to describe bumbling or inept cops; based on old movies of the Keystone Cops.  Extremely insulting articles.)
  • 42 articles: "Goncalo Amaral" and "lunch"  (includes all the "boozy lunch" "two hour lunch" etc. Many accuse him of "boozy three hour lunches" etc.  Why is it newsworthy that a man eats lunch?)
  • 45 articles: "inept" 
  • 220 articles: "sacked" or "fired"  (Note: Amaral was TRANSFERRED off the Maddie case and then chose to quit.)
  • 49 articles: "hampered" "hampering" "hindered" "hindering" (the investigation);
  • 43 articles: "outburst" (regarding his statement re: McCanns and the British police)
  • 43 articles: "shameful" "shame" "shamed"
  • 14 articles: "evil"
  • 146 articles: "torture" "tortured" "attacked" (re: Leonor Cipriano)

Other terms used to describe
Goncalo Amaral and/or his colleagues
  • "Oh, up yours, senor" (Title of column in the Daily Mirror by Tony Parsons - about which the Press Complaints Commission received 485 complaints.)

  • sweaty oafish

  • Inspector Clueless

  • corpulent figure in an ill-fitting jacket

  • fat, sweaty cop

  • out of his depth

  • liar

  • lazy

  • failed police chief

  • giant ego

  • manufacturing a case

  • dishing dirt

  • making stuff up

  • feeding smears to the press

  • spends hundreds of pounds per week at Carvi fish restaurant

  • witch hunt

  • stupendously stupid

  • fragile macho pride

  • swaggering plods

  • lumbering yokels

  • clueless

  • corrupt

  • biased

  • Portuguese tormentors

  • leaked information to the media

  • vital evidence was ditched

  • crucial documents were ignored

  • weeks were wasted

  • a shambles from the outset

  • ignored sightings

  • worked only four hours a day

  • dirty tricks

  • scarily amateur police investigation

  • flawed inquiry

  • beleaguered police

  • evil suggestions (re: the McCanns)

  • bizarre allegations

  • vile slurs

  • just want a convenient confession, true or false

  • career in tatters

  • abysmally mishandled Portuguese police investigation

  • "Amaral was the main reason Kate and Gerry were named as suspects, despite there not being a shred of evidence that the couple were involved" (Blogger note: Cadaver dog alerts to McCann items only, Gaspar statement, Smith family sighting, refusal to answer police questions or return to Portugal for reconstruction, changes to statements re: the night Maddie disappeared, etc.) 

  • "Life on Mars" police (refers to a British television program, extremely insulting articles)

  • "It was bad enough for the McCanns that their child was snatched. It was worse luck still for it to happen in a backwater policed by incompetents."  (In other words, Portugal is a backwater country and it's police force is incompetent.)
  • spectacularly stupid, cruel Portuguese police”

  • pigs

  • filth

  • fitting up her parents

  • it is the Portuguese police who are the clowns

  • Cruel, stupid, spiteful clowns

  • bunch of clueless amateurs

  • turned their rage on the McCanns

Portuguese citizens
  • leering bumpkins

  • sardine munchers (This began when Tony Parsons said about the Portuguese Ambassador to Britain "If you can't say something constructive about the disappearance of little Madeleine, then you just keep your stupid, sardine-munching mouth shut.")

  • "... a scathing attack by Sir Richard Branson on the Portuguese media...'The Portuguese press have behaved abysmally, fed inaccurate stories by the Portuguese police, which all turned out to be a load of garbage,' he told The Observer" 30 Sept. 2007


The most recent example of the outrageous treatment of Dr. Amaral is the BBC broadcast claiming he had said "F*** the McCanns".  Native Portuguese claim that Amaral actually said "'Não, força aos McCanns" "Ask the McCanns" in response to a reporter's questions.  (GONCALO AMARAL DOES NOT SPEAK ENGLISH -  a fact widely reported.) 


ECU Ruling: East Midlands Today, BBC1 (East Midlands), 
12 January 2011

Publication date: 30 May 2011

The programme included a brief exchange between a reporter and
Gonçalo Amaral (a former policeman who had worked on the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann and had since written a book on
the case). One word in the exchange was bleeped, and the report gave
the impression that this was because Sr Amaral had used offensive
language about the MrCanns. A viewer complained that this was
inaccurate and unfair to Sr Amaral.

The reporter’s belief, reinforced by others on the programme team
who viewed the recording, was that Sr Amaral had indeed used an
English phrase which included an offensive term applied to the
McCanns. On further examination, however, it became clear that Sr
Amaral had been speaking Portuguese, and that an inoffensive phrase
had been misconstrued. Upheld

Further action
The Editor of the programme has discussed the outcome with the
producer and reporter involved. In future, the team plans to use
interpreters if clips from interviews are unclear.

BBC Complaints
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31 December 1998
The Guardian
(Awarded to)
Henri Herman Exton, QPM Grade 7, MoD
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Goncalo Amaral - Disgraced

The following are examples of articles written about Dr. Goncalo Amaral. The British media has not even been *subtle* as they've worked to diminish the reputation of Dr. Amaral.  This group refer to Dr. Amaral as a "disgraced" cop or to his actions as "disgraceful, a disgrace".

Headlines follow:

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Goncalo Amaral - Boozer

Goncalo Amaral - Boozer

Also see:  


The detectives working as the world watches
Daily Telegraph 26 May 2007 Fiona Govan 

Rarely observed at the scene of Madeleine's abduction or available for comment, those leading the investigation have frequently been spotted lunching at the Carvi seafood restaurant in Portimão.

Madeleine police 'seen at two hour lunch'
Press Association National Newswire, 7 June 2007

...Portuguese police working on the Madeleine McCann case defended their reputation today after they were seen enjoying a two hour lunch

...The diner said they had what looked like a bottle of white wine and whisky on the table...

Police go on bender
Daily Star,  8 June 2007

...PORTUGUESE detectives hunting Madeleine cracked jokes during a boozy lunch as her parents flew across Europe to try to find her...

Maddy police defend long lunch break
The Evening Standard, 8 June 2007, Ed Harris

...Portuguese police working on the Madeleine McCann case defended their reputation today after they were seen enjoying a two - hour lunch.,.he diner said they had what looked like a bottle of white wine and whisky on the table...

Madeleine officers defend their regular two hour lunches
Times, 8 June 2007, David Brown, Praia da Luz / Thomas Catan, Madrid
...Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa and Goncalo Amaral , the head of the regional Policia Judiciaria, joined two other men at a speciality fish restaurant called Carvi a few minutes' walk from police headquarters

...The party shared a bottle of white wine and there was what appeared to be a bottle of whisky on the table during the lunch, which lasted almost two hours....

Detectives' boozy lunch
Daily Express, 8 June 2007

...Chief Inspector Olegario Sousa and the detective ranked number three in the investigation, Goncalo Amaral, drank wine and whisky with their lunch in Praia de Luz as a news programme replayed footage of Gerry and Kate McCann facing questions at a gruelling press conference in Berlin...

Cops' booze shame
The Sun, 8 June 2007, Lucy Hagan in Praia da Luz

...Chief inspector Olegario Sousa downed wine and whisky with fellow Portuguese officers as a restaurant TV screened Maddie's anguished parents at a Berlin press conference

...A British snapper was ARRESTED after he spotted Wednesday's long lunch in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz, where Maddie vanished...

Madeleine detective faces charges over attack on suspect
Press Association National Newswire, 7 September 2007, Tim Walsh

...News of the charge came as Mr Amaral was forced to defend his taking a two - hour lunch break

...A diner said he spotted them drinking what looked like white wine and whisky...
'I know where Madeleine is' call traced to Argentina
Daily Mail, 9 June 2007

...Senior police officers involved in the investigation were seen laughing and joking as images of the missing four-year-old and her desperate parents appeared on a restaurant TV screen. It happened at a lunch lasting nearly two hours as Kate and Gerry McCann were away campaigning in Europe. They laughed and cracked jokes as they enjoyed a meal washed down with wine and whisky - as footage of the couple played in the background. Afterwards, they left a table littered with empty glasses - and went back to work... (Note: Read full article for more excerpts re: 'Carvi Scandal'.)

Detective in charge faces claims of assaulting female suspect
Yorkshire Post, 8 September 2007

...News of the charges came as Mr Amaral was forced to defend his taking a two - hour lunch break

...A diner said he spotted them drinking what looked like white wine and whisky...

He has 3-hour boozy lunches, works only four hours a day and has openly accused Kate & Gerry of killing their daughter.. This is the cop leading the hunt for Madeleine .. It's just sickening
Sunday Mirror, 30 September 2007, Grant Hodgson in Praia da Luz

...PUFFING on a cigarette and knocking back beers, the man leading the world's biggest missing child inquiry enjoys yet another long, boozy lunch

...The McCanns, who cling to the hope of getting Madeleine back, will be appalled that the inquiry - supposedly still running at full-steam - has effectively stopped amid a welter of boozy lunch breaks... (Note: Read full article for more excerpts re: 'Carvi Scandal'.)

The Portuguese detective in charge of the Madeleine McCann inquiry today accused her parents of manipulating British police
Press Association National Newswire, 2 October 2007, Chris Greenwood

...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao. The two men were spotted drinking what looked like white wine and whisky as the McCanns flew to Berlin to publicise the case...

Chief investigator in missing Madeleine case dismissed
France Presse, 2 October 2007

...The British press has remained largely supportive of the couple and very critical of the Portuguese police investigation, with Amaral a favourite target. Britain's Sunday Mirror claimed over the weekend that Amaral had a habit of taking a "long, boozy lunch" and said his "beer belly spilling over his baggy jeans" made him look "more like a holidaymaker than a detective"...

Portuguese detective 'removed from Madeleine case'
Press Association National Newswire, 2 October 2007, Josie Clarke

...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao. The men were spotted drinking what looked like white wine and whisky as the McCanns flew to Berlin to publicise the case...

Madeleine McCann chief detective sacked
Telegraph, 2 Oct 2007, Aislinn Simpson in Praia da Luz

...the detective, who has come under fire in the British press for his "boozy" three-hour lunches and allegedly failing to investigate some of the tip-offs his 30-strong team of officers have received...

Officer leading hunt for Madeleine 'enjoys boozy lunches and half days'
Mail Online, 2 October 2007

...The man leading the world's biggest missing child inquiry, Portuguese police chief Goncalo Amaral, is working as little as four-and-a-half hours a day. And he has been enjoying boozy lunches- despite a mountain of uninvestigated sightings of Madeleine McCann...

Off the case; Madeleine police chief demoted after amazing rant against McCanns and British detectives
Mail, 3 October 2007, Vanessa Allen in Portimao

...Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral was removed from the inquiry after he claimed that British detectives had been duped by Kate and Gerry McCann and only investigated leads which were ' convenient' for the couple

...He enjoyed frequent three-hour boozy lunches and two days ago a British newspaper claimed he worked only four hours a day and had ignored most of the 252 possible sightings and tip-offs in the case...

Detective leading hunt for Madeleine sacked after blast at UK police
Inspector says McCanns swayed British officers
Family lawyer attacks 'absurd' comments
Guardian, 3 October 2007, Paul Hamilos Madrid Brendan de Beer Portimao

...At the weekend Mr Amaral was criticised in the British press for allegedly working 4 1/2 -hour days, enjoying "boozy lunches" and failing to investigate most of the 252 tip-offs his officers have received...

Detective leading Madeleine hunt dropped from case after outburst
The Independent, 3 October 2007, Ian Herbert
...The detective was also forced to defend taking a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa in Portimao while the McCanns were flying to Berlin to publicise the case...

Madeleine case officer demoted
Times, 3 October 2007, Paul Hamilos in Madrid and Brendan de Beer in Portimao

...The British media criticised Mr Amaral for allegedly working 4½-hour days, enjoying "boozy lunches" and not investigating tip-offs...

Madeleine cop axed
Scottish Daily Record, 3 October 2007, Ryan Parry

...Amaral was embarrassed at the weekend by reports that he enjoyed two and three-hour boozy lunches while he was supposedly working to find Madeleine. A newspaper told how the beerbellied cop spent as little as four-and-a-half hours per day at his desk...

Mirror, 3 October 2007, Ryan Parry in Praia da Luz

...Boozy cop is demoted after furious outburst against the McCanns

...He works as little as four and a half hours a day and takes boozy three-hour lunches despite a mountain of Madeleine leads to investigate...

Fears for Maddy search after police chief is axed
Evening Standard, 3 October 2007,
Kiran Randhawa in Praia da Luz
...It came days after he was criticised in a British newspaper for allegedly working four-and-a-half hour days, enjoying 'boozy lunches' and failing to investigate the majority of the 252 tip-offs his officers have received...

The new head of the Portuguese police investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann should 'refocus'' the inquiry on finding the youngster, the family's spokesman said today.
Press Association National Newswire, 3 October 2007
...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao during the search for Madeleine. The men were spotted drinking what looked like white wine and whisky as the McCanns flew to Berlin to publicise the case...

Axed detective was controversial figure in Madeleine inquiry
Press Association National Newswire, 3 October 2007

...Mr Amaral was also forced to defend taking a two-hour lunch break. He was spotted with PJ spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao as the McCanns travelled to Berlin and Amsterdam to appeal for more information about their missing daughter. A diner said he spotted them drinking what looked like white wine and whisky...

Inspector clueless gets boot
Star, 3 October 2007, by Jerry Lawton

...A BOOZY Portuguese police chief heading the Madeleine McCann inquiry has been sacked from the case after accusing Brit detectives of shielding her parents

...Amaral's tirade came days after he was blasted for taking long boozy lunches during the medallion-wearing, beer-bellied bobby...

Rogue Maddie cop enjoyed 3-hour-long boozy lunches
Herald, 3 October 2007

...The sacked Portuguese detective who had been leading the Madeleine McCann case had gained a reputation for his long, liquid lunches while the world waits for a breakthrough in the case. Chief Inspector Goncalo Amaral had regularly spent hours enjoying boozy lunches despite being openly criticised for failing to spend more time on the case...

Mad rant that got Maddie cop sacked
Sun, 3 October 2007, Clodagh Hartley and Nick Parker in Portimao

...Some sources claimed he works 4 1/2-hour days, enjoys "boozy lunches" and has reportedly failed to investigate many tip-offs his officers receive...

Police chief removed from missing Madeleine inquiry
Yorkshire Post, 3 October 2007

...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao. The men were spotted drinking what looked like white wine and whisky...

Top Portuguese detective 'axed' from case
Aberdeen Press & Journal, 3 October 2007

...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a restaurant in Portimao. The men were seen drinking what looked like white wine and whisky as the McCanns flew to Berlin to publicise the case...

Lead detective taken off Madeleine case
Journal, 3 October 2007

...The detective was also forced to defend a two-hour lunch break with police spokesman Olegario Sousa at a fish restaurant in Portimao. The men were spotted drinking what looked like white wine and whisky as the McCanns flew to Berlin to publicise the case...

Boozy lunches and unchecked leads
Daily Express, 3 October 2007
...Amaral regularly enjoys boozy lunches and last week, while the eyes of the world were on an apparent sighting of the toddler in Morocco, the detective spent two hours knocking back wine in his favourite fish restaurant...

Madeleine detective kicked off case after blasting British police
Daily Express, 3 October 2007, David Pilditch and Martin Evans in Praia da Luz

...Just days ago it was revealed he has been spending as little as four-and-a-half hours a day on the case – while up to 250 potential leads have still not been checked out. He regularly spends hours enjoying boozy lunches. Last week, while the eyes of the world were on an apparent sighting in Morocco, he spent two hours knocking back wine in his favourite fish restaurant...

New cop in charge .. New hope for us
Mirror, 4 October 2007, Ryan Parry in Praia da Luz

...They believe that the boozy chief inspector, kicked off the case after criticising them and British police, has hindered the hunt for their four-year-old daughter...But he left at 12.30pm for a two hour lunch with deputy national police director Guilhermino Encarnacao, 59, who is working on the Madeleine case, and two colleagues

...Amaral was in charge of 30 detectives. But he worked as little as four and a half hours a day, taking boozy three hour lunches. He arrived prompt for his new job at 9am yesterday. But he left at 12.30pm for a two hour lunch with deputy national police director Guilhermino Encarnacao, 59, who is working on the Madeleine case, and two colleagues...

Good riddance
Sun, 4 October 2007, Sharon Hendry

...He was boozy, incompetent and convinced the McCanns killed Maddie we say to sacked police chief Amaral: HE'S the crumpled copper who looks like a seedy character from a bad detective movie

...Most days would see him swagger up to his favourite Carvi table wearing a creased white shirt, unbuttoned to the chest, where a gleaming gold cross dangled

...A booze-fuelled lunchtime, featuring white wine and his favourite Sagres lager, would often soon be followed by Amaral driving home in his blue Volvo...

Copper meant to find Maddie hunted down parents instead; Opinion
Sun, 6 October 2007, Lorraine Kelly

...It is a scandal that it has taken so long for the boozy, bumbling policeman in charge of the Madeleine McCann investigation to be given the boot. Goncalo Amaral is thought to be almost single-handedly responsible for the public vilification of parents Kate and Gerry

...You would have thought that finding a sick and dangerous criminal would be at the very top of any copper's agenda. Instead, Amaral went on long booze-filled lunches and felt peeved that the McCanns had their own high-profile campaign to find their daughter. In a display of petulance, this mean-spirited little man turned against them...

Truth about the Madeleine police
Daily Express, 6 October 2007, David Pilditch in Praia da Luz and Rachel Porter

...In the week that the top detective was sacked and his deputy quit, we reveal the lies, boozy lunches and alleged incompetence of a farcical investigation

...But dressed in his trademark baggy jeans and crumpled shirt barely big enough to cover his belly, he refused to let a little matter like a missing girl come between him and the fish platters at Carvi, a popular local eatery

...So, for instance, on the day that Kate and Gerry McCann flew to Berlin as part of their own desperate campaign to keep their daughter's image in the public eye, Amaral could be found at his usual table where he and his colleagues spent two hours eating, smoking and knocking back the booze...

Warning over cop shambles
The Sunday Mirror, 7 October 2007, Grant Hodgson

NOTE: Please read: PCC Complaint Leicestershire Constabulary

..."Portuguese cops were told to sort it out," a police source told the Sunday Mirror, which last week exposed the long, boozy lunch breaks taken by Goncalo Amaral. "It's not good enough when the man who was supposed to be running the world's biggest police inquiry was taking huge lunch breaks," the source said...

Portuguese put top cop in charge of the search
Herald, 9 October 2007

...The detective, who heads the regional Policia Judiciaria in Portimao, was also said to have engaged in three hour boozy lunches at the height of the investigation into Maddie's disappearance...

Inept.. Incompetent.. I'm incandescent
21 October 2007, Stewart Whittingham

...Insiders claim vital evidence was ditched by boozy officers and crucial documents were ignored

...Rebelo was also told his predecessor had regular three hour boozy lunches when he accused Kate and Gerry of drugging and killing their daughter...

How inept police let Madeleine's kidnapper get away
The Daily Express, 27 November 2007, Robert Downing Adapted by Virginia Blackburn

...It was not long before eyebrows were raised again by police behaviour, though this time the problem was a culture clash as much as anything else. The problem appeared to be lunchtime drinking. At the same time as the McCanns were facing that brutal press conference in Berlin, Sousa and detective Goncalo Amaral were pictured enjoying a two-hour lunch with drinks. Sousa was defensive: "It is very, very sad but a person's free time is for lunch. That is a normal thing to do." Worse still, the men were heard discussing the case in front of other diners. "If it were detectives from Scotland Yard there would be an uproar, " said Philomena McCann...

You're still prime suspects
4 January 2008, Rod Chaytor and Paul Byrne

...When Rebelo replaced boozy chief Goncalo Amaral in October the McCanns thought his review of the case would back them. But they were stunned to find his report still keeps them in the frame...

262 days missing and.. Maddy's blunder cop back on case
Sunday Mirror, 20 January 2008, Nick Owens and Grant Hodgson

...Goncalo Amaral - fired from the investigation after the Sunday Mirror exposed his long, boozy lunches - has held a string of meetings with new chief detective Paulo Rebelo.

The man who ran off with Maddy?
Sunday Mirror, 20 January 2008, Nick Owens and Grant Hodgson

...Lazy Goncalo Amaral - fired from the investigation after the Sunday Mirror exposed his long, boozy lunches - has held a string of meetings with new chief detective Paulo Rebelo...

Letter: Your say
Sunday Mirror, 27 January 2008, John McCafferty

...Portuguese cop Goncalo Amaral had long, boozy lunches when he was supposed to be heading the inquiry for missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann and was taken off the case, so why is he being...

McCanns blast top cop 's book
Star, 26 April 2008, Jerry Lawton

...Amaral was also overheard openly discussing the evidence during a boozy lunch...

'Lies' of Maddie parents
Sun, 26 April 2008, Antonella Lazzeri

... Goncalo Amaral, 48, who was booted off the case after five months, refuses to believe Gerry and Kate McCann had nothing to do with the tot's disappearance. He authorised their status as suspects, but was removed after allegedly enjoying boozy lunch breaks while leading the hunt in Portugal...

'Madeleine is dead' claims ex-police chief in charge of the case
05 July 2008, Daily Mail

...He was also photographed enjoying long boozy lunches while in charge of the country's biggest ever missing persons case...

We'll savage bungling cops on Oprah show
20 July 2008, Nick Dorman

...The couple are likely to focus their fury on top cop Goncalo Amaral, who was kicked off the Madeleine case last October following allegations of incompetence and attacks on his British police counterparts. Moustachioed Amaral, 48, sometimes worked little more than four hours a day and enjoyed long, boozy lunches...

Is this the best way to help Maddie?
Mail, 26 July 2008

...missing child investigation in its history. Revenge against the former head of the investigation, Goncalo Amaral , over his book about Madeleine , even though he has already been sacked, discredited and disgraced.

Dodgy trackers top a catalogue of police howlers
10 August 2008, Dean Rousewell

...Chief detective Goncalo Amaral , 47 - later thrown off the case after criticising British cops - was accused of taking boozy three-hour breaks...

Sacked cop chief to give Maddie talk
Daily Record, 11 January 2010

...Former police chief Goncalo Amaral was sacked after he criticised British police involvement in the case and was pictured having boozy lunches when he should have been working...

Portugal still pouring pain on the McCanns; They need our help
News of the World, 17 January 2010, Anna Smith

ECU Ruling: East Midlands Today, BBC1 (East Midlands 12 January 2011

"On further examination, however, it became clear that Sr Amaral had been speaking Portuguese, and that an inoffensive phrase had been misconstrued. UPHELD"
...So it shouldn't be any surprise that disgraced detective Gonçalo Amaral spat, "F*** the McCanns," when asked if his book was hurting the couple

...This, remember, is a man who enjoyed boozy lunches when he should have been out looking for Maddie in those terrifying days after she went missing...

How shamed cop made a fortune spouting lies about Madeleine McCann's parents
Mirror, 12 February 2012
...Amaral, 52, led the investigation until October 2007 when he was removed for claiming British police were only helping with leads provided by the McCanns. During his stint heading the inquiry, the Sunday Mirror caught him enjoying regular boozy ­lunches, one of which lasted more than three hours...
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Goncalo Amaral - Fired, Sacked, Kicked-off, Booted etc.

In keeping with the excellent *balanced* reporting the media has given the McCann is a list of examples of the headlines related to Goncalo Amaral - describing his transfer from the Madeleine case in one or more of the following terms: "FIRED, SACKED, BOOTED-OUT, KICKED-OFF, AXED" (etc.)

I have studied these as I've compiled the lists, and must admit that there has been absolutely NO evidence of unbiased reporting in the case of Madeleine McCann.  It is, in my opinion, an insult to the British public that journalists do not have enough respect for their readers to stick to the facts and to avoid sensationalism or spin.  Apparently ethics no longer exist in the news media.  (Thank God for the Internet.)

Headlines follow:

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